Thursday, June 18, 2009

America’s healthcare debate: the fight of your life

In the past five months, President Obama and the Democrats have moved with startling speed and expanded the power of an already out-of-control federal government to heights only dreamed of by the likes of Franklin Roosevelt. Now they are coming after the Holy Grail for socialists – your healthcare. With this power, they will not only secure their absolute control over a massive sector of the economy, but will literally have the power of life and death over millions of Americans.

In order to convince Americans to surrender their liberty on such a massive scale, the collectivists are using the same tactics they have for decades. The method is to create or exploit a “crisis”, which will in turn justify the suspension of constitutional limitations on government. Since last fall, they have used an economic recession – an event which has occurred on average every 5- 1/2 years since 1945 - to manufacture a horrifying crisis requiring the unconstitutional nationalization of banks and automobile manufacturing companies, and an unprecedented increase in government spending.

Now they will stoke the fires of the bogus “healthcare crisis” to justify nationalizing the industry and take away your right to privately contract for your own health care needs. The issue of the high cost of health care has been referred to by socialists as a crisis since the Clinton administration tried to implement socialized medicine under the Hillary Care plan in 1993. What kind of “crisis” lasts for sixteen years?

The collectivists and world-savers told us during the election that there are 45 million Americans without health insurance, although that number seems to have jumped to more than 50 million now that the push is on for a government takeover. What they won’t tell you is that 43% of these uninsured “Americans” are not Americans at all – they are aliens of both legal and illegal status. People who simply do not work make up 26%, and people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four, who generally do not see the need to pay for health insurance, constitute 29%. Nearly 8% are people in higher income ranges, many of whom may simply choose to pay out of pocket for their medical needs. While some of these groups overlap, it is clear that the actual number of uninsured Americans is less than half what we are told by our rulers in Washington.

They also won’t tell you that government is the reason healthcare costs so much. The government already lays out more than half of all the health care dollars spent in the United States. This money is doled out by an army of bureaucrats who have no incentive to identify fraud and who also have to be paid salaries and benefits at taxpayer expense. This government control of half the health care market results in a gross distortion of the marketplace and causes prices to rise.

Health insurance, on the other hand is not insurance in the traditional sense at all. “Insurance” traditionally means paying a relatively small amount of money to someone, who in turn promises to pay you a very large sum of money if an unlikely event were to happen. For example, you pay an insurer $500 a year for homeowner’s insurance, but in the unlikely event that your house burns down, he will pay you $250,000 to replace it. Traditional health insurance would work the same way, paying relatively small premiums to pay for an unlikely catastrophic illness. Instead we have developed, as a result of government meddling, a system of paying large premiums to an insurer who in turn pays for nearly all of our healthcare costs. Each of these payments has to wind their way through either a private bureaucracy or an incompetent government agency, greatly adding to the cost. Doctors who accept insurance have to hire a staff just to deal with the paperwork – so you have to pay him and his employees.

Life insurance can protect family's future

Fathers in the UK should take out life insurance to provide their families with protection if they suffer a critical illness or pass away, a financial services provider has advised.

Research by Legal & General (L&G) showed that just 63% of fathers have life insurance, 33% possess critical illness cover and 27% have income protection.

Alan Ferguson, protection marketing and channel development director at L&G, said: "Protection insurance can help provide peace of mind that a family could maintain its living standards if dad was critically ill or passed away.

"Given the economic backdrop, now could be a good time to consider how to protect your family against financial hardship."

The study showed that the value of a father to a household has increased since the company last undertook similar research in 2005.

Men now spend 53 hours a week on household chores and childcare compared with 34 hours four years ago, while the value of a dad to a family has increased from £12,738 to £23,000 a year.

Previous research from L&G showed that the value of a mother to a household has increased from £24,440 to £32,000 a year during the same period.

Korea Life Insurance aids disabled, elderly, kids

Korea Life Insurance’s social contributions are mainly funneled through the Sarangmoa Volunteer Group, which involves 25,000 executives and financial planners.

The organization connects more than 140 volunteer groups from across the country and seeks to form close relationships with organizations for the disabled and the elderly as well as with orphanages. The individual volunteer groups involved with the organization also help children through cultural events.

Local disaster support is another key area for Korea Life Insurance.

The company helps prepare guidelines for local volunteer groups to deliver emergency relief products after natural disasters such as the big fire in Yangyang, the flood in Yeongwol and heavy snow in the Gangwon region.

Korea Life Insurance’s executives are actively involved in philanthropy as well. Each executive participates in at least 20 hours of volunteer work each year, which is equal to at least 1 percent of their annual working hours. They also donate a portion of their salaries to good causes. Additionally, the company matches employee donations.

Korea Life Insurance even has a volunteer activity program for new employees, and it hosts a huge festival every October that allows volunteers to form bonds and exchange ideas and information.

In January of 2006, Korea Life Insurance established the Happy Friends Volunteer Group to help teenagers lead healthy lives, both physically and mentally. More than 400 students from 33 middle schools and high schools in 10 regions have participated in volunteer activities through the program.

The company actively promotes volunteer activities not only in Korea but also in countries across the world. Selected volunteer teams are given the chance to volunteer their time and efforts in places like Kenya, Cambodia, El Salvador, among other countries.