Sunday, July 20, 2008

Permits threaten wedding industry

The state of Hawaii is drawing the line on commercial beach weddings, which will require a permit fee of 10 cents per square foot.

The law has been on the books since 2002, but the state Department of Land and Natural Resources says it will now enforce it come Aug. 1.

"It's an existing system that's been in place, and we're asking you to comply with it," DLNR land division administrator Morris Atta told industry members at a state-sponsored Oahu meeting earlier this month. "We're also seeking your input on how we can improve it."

Wedding business owners, meanwhile, are worried that the state won't process their permits in time, saying that even one week is too slow for brides who need to know immediately whether a date is available.

Small wedding business owners, meanwhile, say they will be impacted by additional permit fees the most.

The timing couldn't have been worse for the wedding industry, which brings a significant percentage of visitors to the state, and is already taking a hit from a flailing economy.

Wedding business owners also want the state to clarify exactly where state jurisdiction of beaches begins and ends.

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