Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life Insurance Companies Safe From Financial Crisis

Korea - Life insurance companies around the world are going through difficult times following the onset of the global financial crisis ― AIG, the biggest insurer, practically collapsed. Life insurers here, meanwhile, are relatively better off due to strict regulation of derivate products, according to Korea Life Insurance Association Chairman and CEO Lee Woo-cheol.

``The life insurance industry is facing difficulties as the worsening economy has begun to affect it. They are having problems managing their assets amid interest rate falls, and monthly premium payments are falling. Some subscribers are canceling insurance policies and the solvency margin ratio has fallen. However, they are in much better shape compared with insurers in other countries,'' Lee said in an interview with The Korea Times.

Indeed, figures have worsened for life insurance industry. Their net income for the third quarter of 2008 stood at 761 billion won, plummeting by 948.3 billion won from a year ago. The solvency margin ratio, which represents their fiscal soundness to pay insurance money, fell by 29 percentage points.

However, life insurers here, though small in global scale, have successfully survived, thanks to strict regulation on life insurers' investment in derivative products.

Life Insurance Industry Needs Deregulation

Though regulations on derivative investments helped them withstand the global crisis, the life insurance industry needs deregulation from a broader perspective, according to Lee. This is true when one focuses on the imbalances in the financial industry, especially between insurers and banks.

Life Insurers Contribute to the Community

Life insurance companies around the world are actively engaged in social contribution programs, giving back part of their earnings to the community. Lee explained that life insurers here are running social contribution programs from various spheres, running their own programs as well as participating in joint programs by the industry.

Insurance Essential in Aging Society

Lee said in a country like Korea which is seeing an unprecedented pace of aging, people need insurance policies. ``The population aged 65 or older reached 7.4 percent in 2001, categorizing the country as an aging society. It is expected to become an aged society by 2020 with the ratio reaching 15.1 percent,'' the chairman said.

He pointed out, however, that the state welfare system here is not good enough to guarantee a stable life after retirement. He said that the life insurance industry makes up for the loopholes, providing insurance products such as whole-life, annuity and nursing insurances.

As insurance policies are safety nets for the family economy, the chairman advised people not to cancel policies if they can. ``It is better to keep insurance policies especially when the economy is bad. I think life insurance is the means of practicing love for one's family and respect for life,'' Lee added.

He recommended integrated insurance products, which protect against various risks in life such as disease, injury, and death or disasters at relatively small premiums.

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