Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nearly Half The UK's Population Have No Life Insurance

Amongst those who currently have life insurance policies, 53% had no idea how much they would receive if they were to make a claim. This suggests that they don't know whether they have adequate cover in place. It is also highly likely they haven't reviewed their cover recently and so could therefore be paying over the odds.

Richard Morea, Technical Manager at L&C said, "Consumers are clearly burying their heads in the sand and adopting an 'it won't happen to me' stance. We urge people with no cover to take action now to protect their family in the event of the unforeseen happening. Those with cover should understand exactly what it will provide in the event of a claim. If it is sufficient, they should review the cost. L&C's online 1 minute life insurance check calculator will quickly show them if savings can be made. In addition they should review whether their cover is still adequate and if it's not take expert advice'.

For a free life insurance review, speak to one of L&C's expert advisers on 0800 073 1932.

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